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Monthly Archive for September, 2013

Sassy’s urn & memorial tag

I finally brought myself today to take some pictures of Sassy’s urn & the memorial tag I had asked Rene to make for us.  Its beautiful together.  I am so honored that Rene made us the tag.  It looks beautiful together.  Each day gets a little better with the crying.  I still miss her tremendously […]

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Just rambling

Well I know I don’t have much to post about Sassy anymore but Bosch (her quadpaw brother) is still here and shining.  We had an exciting week.  Bosch decided this week to start having a little blood dripping from somewhere.  Not knowing where I checked his fistualas  those were still in remission so took a […]

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    I can’t believe my little girl has been gone for a month now.  It doesn’t seem possible seems like yesterday.  Each day gets better but there are still bad days that I have.  Its like I don’t know what to do with myself.  I know that Bosch needs a friend but I am […]

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Sassy, Today Shari (Dakota’s mom, I am sure you have met him by now) has been visiting this weekend.  So in honor of your 10th month ampuversary we took Bosch to the dog park.  He met some nice friends one of them was a Tripawd who had been hit by a car.  Very nice boy.  […]

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3 long weeks

My dearest Sassy, It has been 3 weeks since you crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  It still huts a lot.  The thing that makes me feel better is I know that you are in good company and are no longer in pain and CANCER FREE.  I know I am being selfish when i want you back […]

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It is hard to believe its been almost 3 weeks since Sassy crossed the bridge.  I knew it was going to be tough but never thought this tough.  It seems to be getting better day by day.  I guess you would say I am moving along but still miss her.  Had a good cry fest […]

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Saturday Aug 31, 2013

My Baby Sassy, I went to pick up your ashes and bring them home.  I walked into the vet clinic and they asked how they could help me.  I just burst into tears.  I wanted to be brining you home living but I know that I did the right thing for you its still hard.  […]

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