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Happy Birthday my sweet sweet Sassy.  Hard to believe 3 years ago we were celebrating your last birthday on Earth.  Who knew that almost a month later you would be gone.  As I look back I wouldn’t change a thing for your special day.  Steaks, birthday cake and Ice cream and lots & lots of love.  I think of you every single day.  I look at your smiling face above the computer.  I miss your touch and smell some days worse than others and today is that kind of day.

I sure hope you are partying it up on the Bridge with everyone.  Enjoying your day.  One day we will be together again & I will get to celebrate that special day.

Miss your sweet smiling disposition.  I know you are looking over us and will continue to.  I know I haven’t posted on your blog for awhile it doesn’t mean I have forgotten you or what you have done & contributed to our family.  I know you will be with Snickers & I as we continue our journey towards Therapy dog team.  Something I wish we would have gotten to do with you.

Happy 10th Birthday sweet girl.

Til we meet again I love you with my heart.



This is the one I put on my shirt for the puppy up walk in IL.

18 month Ampuversary


bellevue animal hospScan0008Scan0006100_0846

sassy giving me kisses

sassy giving me kisses





Love you

I saw this on one of the pages I belong to on Face book and it is so true.  It was on Paws to Angels, Pet Loss Center & Services With Love, Respect & Dignity.  It is a business run here in Omaha.   This is so so true.




The Day I’ll Finally Stop Grieving


“How long has it been? When is he going to get over that grief and move on already?”

I get it.

I know you might be thinking that about me or about someone else these days.

I know you may look at someone you know in mourning and wonder when they’ll snap out of it.

I understand because I use to think that way too.

Okay, maybe at the time I was self-aware enough or guilty enough not to think it quite that explicitly, even in my own head. It might have come in the form of a growing impatience toward someone in mourning or a gradual dismissing of their sadness over time or maybe in my intentionally avoiding them as the days passed. It was subtle to be sure, but I can distinctly remember reaching the place where my compassion for grieving friends had reached its capacity—and it was long before they stopped hurting.

Back then like most people, my mind was operating under the faulty assumption that grief had some predictable expiration date; a reasonable period of time after which recovery and normalcy would come and the person would return to life as it was before, albeit with some minor adjustments.

I thought all these things, until I grieved.

I never think these things anymore.

Two years ago I remember sitting with a dear friend at a coffee shop table in the aftermath of my father’s sudden passing. In response to my quivering voice and my tear-weary eyes and my obvious shell shock, she assured me that this debilitating sadness; this ironic combination of searing pain and complete numbness was going to give me a layer of compassion for hurting people that I’d never had before. It was an understanding, she said, that I simply couldn’t have had without walking through the Grief Valley. She was right, though I would have gladly acquired this empathy in a million other ways.

Since that day I’ve realized that Grief doesn’t just visit you for a horrible, yet temporary holiday. It moves in, puts down roots—and it never leaves. Yes as time passes, eventually the tidal waves subside for longer periods, but they inevitably come crashing in again without notice, when you are least prepared. With no warning they devastate the landscape of your heart all over again, leaving you bruised and breathless and needing to rebuild once more.

Grief brings humility as a housewarming gift and doesn’t care whether you want it or not.

You are forced to face your inability to do anything but feel it all and fall apart. It’s incredibly difficult in those quiet moments, when you realize so long after the loss that you’re still not the same person you used to be; that this chronic soul injury just won’t heal up. This is tough medicine to take, but more difficult still, is coming to feel quite sure that you’ll never be that person again. It’s humbling to know you’ve been internally altered: Death has interrupted your plans, served your relationships, and rewritten the script for you.

And strangely (or perhaps quite understandably) those acute attacks of despair are the very moments when I feel closest to my father, as if the pain somehow allows me to remove the space and time which separates us and I can press my head against his chest and hear his heartbeat once more. These tragic times are somehow oddly comforting even as they kick you in the gut.

And it is this odd healing sadness which I’ll carry for the remainder of my days; that nexus between total devastation and gradual restoration. It is the way your love outlives your loved one.

I’ve walked enough of this road to realize that it is my road now. This is not just a momentary detour, it’s the permanent state of affairs. I will have many good days and many moments of gratitude and times of welcome respite, but I’m never getting over this loss.

This is the cost of sharing your life with someone worth missing.

Two years into my walk in the Valley I’ve resigned myself to the truth that this a lifetime sentence. At the end of my time here on the planet, I will either be reunited with my father in some glorious mystery, or simply reach my last day of mourning his loss.

Either way I’m beginning to rest in the simple truth:

The day I’ll stop grieving—is the day I stop breathing.







Well, I figured we were over the hump with Jasmine’s leg (the left one anyway).  Now we have a whole different can of worms going on.  On May 12, I noticed this lump on the inside ankle of her right leg pretty much on the ankle bone.  She was kind of licking at it.  so off to the vet I go with her.  Of course anyone having gone through this journey once with a cancer knows right where your mind goes.  So we had Dr Grant take a look at it she did a needle aspirate thinking it was a Mast cell tumor.  She never saw any mast cells.  Saw white cells, red cells & skin cells.  So good news right thinking it’s a bite of some kind.  4 days later after apply the ointment it didn’t look any better in fact it kind of looked worse.  So by then we saw Dr Traux.  He he thought because Jazz was licking the ointment off that it made it a lick granuloma and had it infected.  After 14 days of antibiotics it still didn’t look any better and Dr T was busy so we saw Dr Pfieffer (good thing I like all the vets).  She did another needle aspirate because it really didn’t respond to the Panalog cream and antibiotics.  She didn’t see mast cells again  Thank God.  But came up with the diagnosis of Histioctoma.  Which is a benign tumor  ..  Here is the definition


A histiocytoma is a benign skin tumor that originates in the Langerhans cells, immune cells that function to provide protective immunity to the tissues that are in contact with the outer environment — the nose, stomach, intestines and lungs, but mainly the skin’s surface. These cells are also referred to as dendritic cells, and histiocytes.


Histiocytomas are common in dogs, with some breeds appearing to be more predisposed that others. These breeds include flat-coated retrievers, bull terriers, boxers, dachshunds, cocker spaniels, Great Danes, and Shetland sheepdogs. More than 50 percent of diagnosed patients are under two years of age. Otherwise, there is no gender difference.




  • Small, firm, dome or button-shaped masses on the skin surface
  • Rare autoimmune blistering (dermoepithelial) masses, which may be ulcerated
  • Fast growing, nonpainful, usually solitary
  • Common sites are the head, ear edges, and limbs
  • Occasionally multiple skin nodules or plaques

Since some treatments can adversely affect malignant tumors, important to differentiate histiocytoma, a benign growth of tissue, from a malignant tumor. Your veterinarian will talk to you about this, and will give you the option of taking a wait-and-see approach. If you do have the tumor diagnosed conclusively, and it is found to be a histiocytoma, the usual method of treatment is surgical excision of the mass, or cryosurgery, which is conducted with a laser. Either one is generally curative.


If the mass is left alone, it may spontaneously regress within three months. This is a decision that you will have to make once you have been informed of every possible eventuality, and every treatment method that is available for your dog.


So for our treatment we are going to try treating with antihistimines and watch the tumor.  If it starts to grow then surgery.  Dr Pfifer measured it and we shall hope & pray no surgery because of where it is it would be hard to get it to close properly.  I will post a picture when I change the bandage.


Prayers for this thing to go away





I know Sassy will watch over my girl






Happy 10th Birthday Bosch

Well Bosch hit double digits 10 years old today.  That is an accomplishment for a Rottie.  This means this is the 3rd birthday that he has celebrated with out Sassy.  We know she was here celebrating with him.  I know he had a good birthday.  The kids were here we had cake & ice cream, sang to him and yes he even had a steak (forgot to get a picture of that though).  He really enjoyed it.

So I will share a few pictures from tonight

Birthday boy 10 years old Bosch



Barking at Gabe


Bosch & Gabe


Bosch & Grace



Bosch’s cake & Ice creamIMG_0274




Snickers & Jazz eating their cake & Ice cream IMG_0280


Grace cake & Ice creamIMG_0281




Sassy & Bosch at Sassy’s 7th Birthday party





We love you Bosch.   Not many Rotties make 10 and he is our first 🙂  We are proud of you Marshmellow Boy




Been awhile since a post

Well, it has been awhile since I posted anything on Sassy’s blog.  The 20th of this month it will be 2 1/2 years since Sassy & Brendol crossed to the Rainbow Bridge.  Since that time we had a lot of furbabies joining her.  She told me that they were all ok and waiting for the day that we can all join them.  Don’t get me wrong since I am not posting on every Angelversary or ampuversary anymore I remember them privately.  I know everyone was getting tired of those posts and I just didn’t want my girl forgotten  🙂

So here is our update in our house.    Snickers is just her wonderful ornery self and loving as usual.   Jasmine has been fighting an injury on her left rear since end of Sept/early Oct.  We did x-rays etc because the first place my mind went was to Osteoscaroma.  Dr Truax (who did Sassy’s amputation) and now our vet since Dr Boyer left said he never saw anything on the x-rays and it was more in her hock area.  So we did more rest and rimadyl.  Well, I decided to let her play with Snickers and run of course she sure didn’t limp when she was playing  but come in and rest and couldn’t hardly put any weight on it. I had taken her in multiple times.  So this continued on til Feb when I asked Dr Truax if we could consider acupuncture or something.  He said he wasn’t against it.  So I consulted our naturalpathic Dr.,  Dr Hebel (she is the one I attended the food seminar on for dogs with cancer).  We saw her and she did a chiropractic adjustment, evaluation, acupuncture & laser treatment then 10 days later we did a 2nd one.  Oh the evaluation she came up with was a possible cruciate tear.  So between the 1st and 2nd treatment the swelling had gone down and I have seen some improvement.  Dr Hebel wanted us to consult with a surgeon.    So on March 10th we consulted DR Chris Horstman who came from Las Vegas and a big Oncology/surgical center out there.

So Dr Chris said in his evaluation that he didn’t feel that is was Jasmine’s knee it was more down in the hock area where Dr T thought it was.  So he gave us 3 options : continue what we were doing and rest (no horse play with Snickers or running), cast/splint and last resort being surgery.  So we are continuing our plan with DR H.   She will keep in contact with Dr Chris and let him know and if we don’t see improvement then cast/splint and so forth.  I am going to have them keep Dr T in the loop.

Bosch is good.  He had a few benign eye tumors removed.  One had been there since before Sassy crossed the Bridge.  It just started growing and was really starting to bother him.  I then noticed 2 smalls ones on the inside of the eye and those were removed as well.  So Bosch spent 14 wonderful days in a cone.  (haha not)   He figured out if he went out the back door and ran into the door jam it popped the cone open.  so spent more time snapping it closed.  Had I used a cone from the vet it would have been broken within 10 minutes getting home because those are so rigged and my dogs run into everything getting them off.

My baby girl Sassy       This was on her last birthday 07/26/2013 a few weeks before crossing to the Bridge on Aug 20,2013                                              Bosch & Sassy






Fight Song

I heard this song today.  I fell in love with it.  The song is titled Fight Song.  When I look back at Sassy and my journey of her Osteoscaroma this fit her so well.  The words I have a lot of fight left in me.  That is what our babies do they fight and fight.  So this song is to them.  I made this video I hope you all like it.


Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

And all those things I didn’t say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song
My power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong
I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

Losing friends and I’m chasing sleep
Everybody’s worried about me
In too deep
Say I’m in too deep (in too deep)
And it’s been two years
I miss my home
But there’s a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe

And all those things I didn’t say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song
My power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong
I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

A lot of fight left in me

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

This is my fight song (Hey!)
Take back my life song (Hey!)
Prove I’m alright song (Hey!)
My power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong (I’ll be strong)
I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

No I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me




Our Santa Paws Experience

Our Santa Paws experience today quite the site.  Lets just say we will be doing individuals from now on LOL.  The day started off fun.  We got there.  Snickers decided she literally had to be the 1st one out of the car.  Thank goodness I left the leash on her.  Up and over me and out the door she went.  Of course it has been raining non stop and by rain I mean pouring rain since last night about 6 pm. (Even thunderstorms in the middle of December in Iowa if you have heard of it crazy).  But back to the story at hand.  We get them in.  Get them into the waiting room to see Santa the girls are going crazy.  I can’t even sign in to let them know who we are and what clowns I have with me LOL.  We get in to see Santa.  NO one will sit not even Bosch.  Poor Santa is about to pull his hair out so we had to get an elf in there to help out.

They acted so crazy they made Frankie & Merry Myrtle look like Angels.  Thank goodness no video unless someone secretly did it lol.  I had a few pictures that turned out but I can’t wait to see what our client service manager’s Marys turn out like but without further hesitation here are Bosch, Snickers, Jazz & Santa PawsIMG_0073


This is my Favorite





Who knows what Snickers was thinking



Jazz looking at Santa.  The Elf trying to fix Bosch hat.





It is hard to believe today would have been your 3 year Ampuversary.  A little less than a month of joining this group you had your amputation.  I sure wish you would be here to celebrate it but I thought of you and shared your story today 🙂  So you weren’t forgotten at all.  I had lots of complements on your necklace today too.  You just are an amazing girl.

Thank you for leaving a legacy to tell others about and share you with.

I love you my sweet sweet girl.  I sure hope you are having a great time with all of your friends up on the Bridge.




Snickers at Canine in Costumes

I am so very very proud of my Snickersdoodle Bear.   I know Sassy was with us because while we were there I found a quarter 🙂 .    What Canine in Costumes is a “parade” of dogs in costumes and an event to raise money for our humane society.  This is the first year that I participated.  I should have taken Sassy and Bosch but never did.  It was a good time.  Snickers minded her manners, never jumped on anyone and got along with all the dogs.  She was more scared of them.   I didn’t take Jasmine because the girls feed off each other’s energy plus I didn’t have anyone to help me.  It was good for them to do something by themselves.

We did paw prints, had our picture taken, listen to a pet behavorist, just walked around letting Snickers sniff different scents and being petted.

canines in costumes 2015 snickers


She went as a Pumpkin.  Next year I think I am going to try to make her costume 🙂


Michelle & Angel Sassy & Snickers



Seems like a long time to post

Wow, the last time I posted on Sassy’s blog was her 2 year Angelversary.  It doesn’t mean I have forgotten her at all or those ampuversaries or Angelversaries.  I still remember.  I think we all do if we have lost our babies.  Just time moves on.

I know we have lost a few more of our heroes which I don’t like and a few more of our 4 legged furbabies have joined others at the Bridge.

I guess I don’t know what I wanted to say except that I miss you Sassy.  Other than that our pack is doing well.  We have had a few bumps with trips to the vet for owies but over all everyone is healthy **knocking on wood***


so I thought I would share some pictures  of course Sassy

bellevue animal hosp



18 month Ampuversary


Snickers & Jazz







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