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I can’t believe my little girl has been gone for a month now.  It doesn’t seem possible seems like yesterday.  Each day gets better but there are still bad days that I have.  Its like I don’t know what to do with myself.  I know that Bosch needs a friend but I am just not ready to go that route yet.  We both are healing.  I just don’t want Sassy to be forgotten either.  I feel like I don’t have any updates to give anymore, I try to give advice and sometimes I just read through the forums and think to myself well I should say this but I just don’t.  I don’t know why.  I know I have a lot to give and a lot to share just I don’t know how to phrase it.  I never had that problem before.

Miss you tons Sugars.  Think of you everyday.  I hope you are having fun running & playing.  I love you my baby girl



This is the moon the night that Sassy passed away.



DSC_0557 DSC_0562 DSC_0563  This is the necklace that Shari gave me.DSC_0608


sassy all done

9 Responses to “Yesterday was one month August 17, 2013”

  1. willowsmom says:


    Please don’t be so hard on yourself! It’s only been a month. You’re on here every day giving advice and comfort to people even though your own pain and grief is still so fresh and new. You are so kind and caring with others, please be the same with yourself!

    Sassy will never be forgotten. You don’t ever need to worry about that!

    Sending you love and lots of hugs!

  2. benny55 says:

    Ya’ know Michelle, and I don’t know if I can explain this very well, but I feel the same way about what you wrote.

    With all these heart wrenching losses we’ve experienced of pets we love so dearly, I find it very difficult to stay on here sometimes. I find myself grieving so hard right along with you and others, it immobolizes your soul.

    And I’m one of the lucky ones who still has my girl with me. Yet, with each loss it reminds you what’s ahead and, it can take you to a place of grief as though it’s already hapened. And then that deprives you of being in the now, in the moment, in tne present. I have to “jerk a knot in my head” and get back to the moment. But the realityis, so manyof the “moments” now are full of sadnesses.

    I guess I’m trying to say we all understand, maybe for different reasons, maybe for the same reason…but one common tthread we all share wih each loss, is we all grieve because we are all family And we love every dog and every cat as though they are ours. We KNOW how spwcial they are! We KNOW how loved they are! We KNOW how missed they are because we love and miss them too!

    Michelle, just seeing Sassy’s avatar up there makes me smile! You dn’t have to say a word for now…..Just pick a letter of the alphabet…hit reply…and let us see that picture!

    IF I ever figure out how to do a vlog…..okay..–quit laughing…I can hear you all the wa over here….I would keep posting…..even if it meant hitting a letter of thealhabet and hitting reply! Every icture I would post would continue to keep her alive! I hope ypu will ALWAYS keep this log open and post pictures!! It’s good for all of us!

    SASSY will NEVER be forgotten! That’s impossible! Really!! Can NOT happen!! One reason it can NOT happen is she is still making her presence known! She is still alive through all of us here and ESPECIALLY through you!
    Dogs are ALIVE today because of Sassy’s journey!!

    Michelle, you are sooooo loved and soooooo valued. Dom’t worry being in a funk… have every reason to be! As Carol said, be just as kind on yourself as you are to others.

    Okay now, let’s see, you kow we have to have a hapoy memory of our Sassy Sugar Bear to wrap ourselves arou d right now………hmmmmmm….I’m trying to conjure up something…..hmmmm

    Okay! Wait! I ACTUALY have a picture of Sassy in my mind that makes me smile when I think of it……I think she felt silly but she knew it made you smile! Okay…..think hard……which one is it? …………

    Alright, I’m coming back here tonight and see if you “got the message”, okay? I’ll still be sending the image to you telepathically……———-


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. fourminipups says:


    You will always miss Sassy no matter how much time goes by and when you are ready Bosch and you will find him the most perfect companion as whoever you choose will be blessed by Sassy.

    I, too, come on sometimes and just can’t respond to things because it begins to overwhelm me. But I feel good just reading what everyone else has to say and remaining a part of this community. No one says you have to participate – being a lurker is a good thing and sometimes you just might need to take a break and come back later when your heart has more time to heal (but don’t be gone long – we love you!).

    All my thoughts are with you, Bosch and Sassy,

    Luanne & Spirit Shooter

  4. cjwaller says:

    You’re going through a lot right now, no one expects you to just get over it and be able to help others. The day will come where more good memories will be remembered and it will be easier to post, but let yourself grieve for as long as you need to. Sassy will be remembered by so many people on here. We all wish you well!

  5. chilidawg says:

    That necklace is beautiful! I lost my Chili Dawg just over 2 years ago. I know how you feel about not feeling like you have updates to give anymore. I often go to the forums myself and I don’t know if I can say or offer any advice anymore, since it has been so long since I have had a tripawd. Honestly, I say do it when your heart tells you to. I “lurk” a lot, and then all of a sudden I will see a post and my heart tells me to speak up, and all of a sudden I will find myself joining in on a forum post after not posting in several months. That’s one of the great things about this community. They accept you no matter how long you have been away- no judgements are passed on you.

    Jenna & Spirits Chili Dawg and Finchy

  6. roxiesmom says:

    As always, so much wisdom and love here. Michelle, with all that we invest in our companions, and all the extra care and love and worry and hope we give so willingly to the special ones like Sassy and Roxie and all the others, it’s no wonder our hearts and souls need some time to rest and heal. And you know yours will; just give yourself time. Bosch is there for you. They always seem to take just as much as we can give, and you’ll both find your new balance. Different, as it should be, because each one is different and unique and special.

    So lurk away (I LOVE that description – exactly what I did when I first joined), touch your beautiful new necklace made and given in love for you, and take some of those deep breaths.

    Hugs to you, Liz and Angel Roxie

  7. penny4weims says:

    I know exactly how you feel. I read the forums but I don’t feel I have anything useful to say and my heart breaks everytime I read about one our tripawds dying or getting mets. It’s been 5 months since Maggie passed and most days I’m pretty good but some days I’m not. I feel like now I’m in a different place with the group and if I gave advice it would probably be depressing so I just read what is going on with everyone. We also have one dog and are not planning on getting another for awhile. I think she likes that idea. You and Sassy have been a great inspiration to everyone on this site and in time you’ll jump back in.
    Penny, Blink and Maggie over yonder

  8. Christine says:

    It takes a strong person to stay here and give advice and offer condolences to others. I’m not saying that to slam anyone who has not stayed on the site.. or even those that lurk and read.. that is not my intent to offend. But to be here.. and chat, and post, and laugh, and cry with everyone, it’s good therapy! I believe that.
    It’s good therapy for us.. and keeping Sassy’s blog going.. and sharing pictures form her life.. is good therapy for you!!
    keeping Franklin’s blog going as Mr. Wilson’s guardian angel has helped me tremendously….
    and I will keep posting there.. even if I become a pain sometimes.. lol
    But it has done my heart good.. and I know, with time, it will do yours too!
    I think Bosch needs an ear scratch.. go give him one for
    me will ya!! ;O)

  9. jerry says:

    A month. Wow. It’s amazing how fast and how slow time can move at times like this. I’m so sorry, these anniversaries just hit hard and it takes many of them before they stop taking your breath away.

    You have a LOT to give people, but you need to do it when you are ready. Don’t feel rushed, and know what you’ve already given lots just by sharing Sassy’s journey. She is helping people even when you can’t be here. Now that is a legacy to be proud of.


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