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Vacation 2023

I know it’s been awhile since I posted again. Once again another Tripawd “Tribe” vacation has come and gone. This year we had planned to go to St. James City, Florida. As I said planned (our planning stages start the year before.) We had made our decision like late August early September as normal. But hurricane Ian had other plans for us. He it that area hard and the beautiful house that we had picked out was destroyed. So we started planning another area. We decided on Panama City Beach Florida.

Our vacation was planned the last weekend in April to the first Saturday in May. No hot hot hot Florida. I know from past experiences June, July and August can be miserable. We had beautiful weather. Mostly 78 to mid 80s. Saturday when we arrived was rainy and stormy and by the time we all got to Pensacola Beach we met up at a restaurant for dinner. It was great seeing family again. We then went back to the house unloaded and chatted for awhile. Everyone was tired so it was an early night.

Sunday was rough at the beach because of storms the day before so it was double red flag day (no swimming) but I sat out there and just absorbed the beautiful peacefulness of the beach. My zen place. We did a few things shopping that day and dinner. The next few days were beach days, shopping, hanging around the house. We did play a new game this year Ransom Notes. Very fun game. No Cards Against Humanity this year. Karma and Donna went and did a glass picture while some of us did some souvenir shopping or just hung around the house. We ate at some really good local places. I think the best day for me was Thursday. We did a dolphin tour (Karma found a great captain and we all had a blast) saw dolphins, a Ray of some kind, even saw a little shark, a loggerhead turtle. That night we had a bon fire with dinner on the beach. Thank you again Karma for the wonderful dinner and setting everything up. That was a beautiful night. Friday came and it was our last full day. Which really sucks when the week goes so fast. That was a beach day and just around the house day. Early night for the 4 of us as our flight left early in the morning Saturday. I miss my Tribe and look forward to next year.

Donna’s glass picture.

Sally, Linda, Me, Teri, Paula, Amy, Donna and Karma (in front)

If you have a chance to do a Tripawds meet up it’s a great experience. We all felt like family. We all have been going yearly since the Great Tripawd party in 2017.

Michelle and her Angels Sassy, Bosch, Baby Simba and Sweet Snickers

PS I only posted a few pictures. It was very hard to chose we had such a good time.

Another year and another wonderful vacation with everyone.  This year Linda (Max’s grandma), Paula (Nitro’s mom) and one of Paula’s friends, Amy great gal, and me drove to the Outer Banks to meet up with everyone.  Eight hours from home to Green Bay then 20 hours to the Frisco, NC, in the Outter Banks.  It was a great trip down.

We all enjoyed a relaxing week of bumming around the house, Swimming, the Ocean and a little shopping and of course eating.  This year, Murphy’s mom Kathi joined us.  It was great to get to meet her.  We all picked up like we had never left each other.  This is one of the great things that has come of a journey that none of use really wanted to be on.    We can’t wait to get together again next year.  Not sure where that vacation will be yet but I know it will be another great one.  Just seems like every year it gets better and better. It goes way too fast though.  We all miss our fur babies but enjoy our time together.

cards against humanity night

top row Eliza Beth , next row Paula, Sally (the Sally) Karma and Kathi, next row:  Amy, Linda and Donna, front row Terri and me


Terri, Linda, Sally and me


Cards Against Humanity


The back of the house


Ocean and Sun early AM



The name of the house was Beagle 9FF

Navy Port at VA


Paula and I



Mountains of WV


Vacation update plus others

I know I haven’t posted much on here lately.   It seems like I only post on milestones.   So I feel terrible I didn’t post on what would have been Sassy’s 15th Birthday at the Bridge.  I didn’t even post it on FB.  I was on vacation with my “Tribe” from here.  I celebrated her in my own quiet way that day.  Happy Birthday sweet girl I miss you and love you so much. 


The other thing new is we have a new fur baby that joined us one week before me going on vacation with the girls.   Her name is Sasha Bear.  She is named after my first Rottie, Shadow, Sassy and Snickers.  She is keeping Chief and Jasmine on their toes.



This is the 5th vacation that we have been on together.  Every year it seems like it’s better than the last.  We all love each other’s company.  Hard to believe we met through some of the toughest times for all of us.  When we first met it was like we knew each other forever.   Vacation is being planned for next year in NC at the beach can’t wait to see my Tribe again.  Pictures are Eagle, how clear the lake was that we stayed at, the view from the house

Eagle we saw on our Pontoon cruise





We did a Tatoo in honor of our babies.


The last thing is my ring.  I ordered 2 diamonds made from Sassy’s and Snicker’s ashes and my hair.   The bigger one which in this picture is the bottom diamond is Sassy’s (which is a little darker in color) and the smaller one is Snickers.  I was hoping it would be a tiny bit lighter but it wasn’t.  They both are beautiful and it is a Red Diamond (not Ruby).   I love it.


I know I haven’t posted much on here.  Everything was pretty much status quo from the time we got back from vacation.  Everyone was adjusting to Chief (our new puppy) I probably forgot to post that I don’t remember.  Stupid Covid was still wrecking havoc with the world.  We were doing great here.  A few bumps in the road you know puppy swallowing a kids toy having to go to ER vet but minor thing.  Just made to throw up and on our way we went.  That is until Christmas time…..

Who knew that 2 weeks before Christmas Snickers would healthy and happy and playing.  A week before she wasn’t feeling very well so took her to the vet.  We ran blood tests etc.  Found out that her platelet counts were a little low on a Monday..  We retested Wednesday before Christmas they were lower and she was put on Prednisone.  I was told to watch her for lethargy, pale gums etc..  Christmas Eve day I get up and get ready to work (changed jobs so I am working from home at least until April I am hoping it can be forever again).  Snickers just didn’t seem right so I checked her gums.  They were pale.  I called our vets they said take her to the ER clinic if she needed a transfusion they couldn’t do it at our clinic.   So I told my boss it was an emergency and needed to leave.  ( I had only been there 3 weeks).

Snickers was admitted and tests were run.  She missed Christmas at home but I made sure to go see her.  She wouldn’t eat for them so I took chicken and some turkey and went over to see her.   They found a small mass on her spleen but had her stabilized so I got to bring her home the day after Christmas.


The Dr. told me to call my vet and get the splenectomy done as soon as I could.  So Monday I called.  They fit her in and Monday night she came home.  She was doing well.  I called 48 hours later and gave the update she was doing great.  The receptionist called back and said Dr. T wanted to check her blood counts on Saturday.  So we took her in.  Platelet counts rebounded and were doing great although now red cell count had gone down some.  He wasn’t too concerned.  I voiced my concern that it looked like she might have a little fluid on her abdomen.  He said he felt around and she seemed to be ok.   We went home.

Sunday she slept a lot.  I just figured recovery from surgery /pain meds it didn’t hurt.  Monday she wouldn’t hardly move and she looked bloated up.  I called.  They got us in after I got off work.  She had a hard time getting into the car and she never had that issue before.  And she was really lethargic.  They took her in on a gurney.  She had a liter plus of fluid on her.  They only took the liter off and gave us another med because her red cell counts dropped a little again.  They were thinking possible Autoimmune disease.  We went home and tried to get her to eat no she wouldn’t eat anything.  We went to bed.  Around 1:30 am Jazz woke me up not feeling well ( I am not sure if she knew or not).  I ended up rushing Snickers back to the ER vet.  I was in tears.  I just wanted them to save my girl.  They ran more tests still no answers.  By 9:45 am the new Dr. that came on had evaluated Snickers she is the one who found the mass called me and said Snickers was still no better and her blood pressure was dropping.  I once again left work this time to let my girl go.

This is so hard.  I wasn’t expecting this.  I know the grief journey well as I lost Bosch in March 2019, Simba in Feb 2020 and now on Jan 5, 2021 I lost Snickers.  My girl who helped me heal my heart after losing Sassy.  I am crying as I write this and I know this is long but I have to do this to help myself.

I do highly recommend our pet insurance healthy paws.  They do a direct pay to the clinics without them I probably would have had to make the decision on Christmas Eve.  They paid the 90% that I am paying premiums for directly to the ER clinic and I just paid 10%.  They paid pretty much all of her surgery and again for her admittance the last time.


The place I had Snickers cremated at was called Paws to Angels.  They do home hospice, home euthanasia, pre planning grief counseling type and private Cremations.  We had a viewing of her and they gave me a heart 1/2 of it was mine and it said “My” and Snickers part said “Angel” it stayed with her during her whole journey.  I got her 1/2 back after her cremation which it went through with her.  I miss my girl.



Poems that I got from Paws to Angels

Fur clipping poem.  I read this and cried as I was looking at the clippings of each spot.

Who knew at 7 years and 4 months I would be making her memorial video and saying good bye.  Sassy was 7 years and 1 month.  They both have met now and I hope love each other because they both have a big piece of my heart.

This year was a little different.   Normally we have our vacation over Memorial day but last year we decided to do August of 2020.  Little did we know we would have a pandemic that would be taking place.  So we were so glad to get to do our Vacation.  Had it been in May I don’t think any of us could have gone a lot of places were shut down.  We all took precautions.  Only 3 of us had to fly this year.  We met up at Paula (Nitro’s Moms house) and then car pooled to Door County, Wisconsin.

A beautiful place right on Lake Michigan.  We, Paula, Linda (Max’s grandma), Donna & Glenn (Murphy’s parents), Teri (Isa’s Mom), Karma (Brendol &  Addy’s mom) Lisa (Pofi’s Mom) this year her husband, Ken, joined us for a few days, me and of course the Wonderful Sally (Happy Hannah’s mom, Frankie and Merry Myrtle) came from Virginia to be with us.   We had a few that couldn’t make it due to Covid.  Tina who is Manni’s mom,  Clare, Meg’s Mum and Sam who was Mikey’s mom.   They were there with us in spirit.  We also had Cooper, Shae and Barley our 4 legged friends.  We met the  Tots, Grizzly and Tucker and the side kick of Nitro’s, Kodi who is an amazing 16 years old.  We got to spend time with Paula’s husband, John, at a cook out on Sunday evening.  We met a new friend of Paula’s, Amy, and she spent a couple of days with us.  She was so much fun to be around.  It was just a good time.

We celebrated a birthday for Karma and did some fun things like took a Ferry to Washington Island in Door County, visited some Wineries and Bon fires and cook outs.  Oh of course we played a new game something about Memes.  Usually its cards against humanity but the new game was fun and a blast.


This week fell over the 7 year Angelversary of Sassy.  It was good to spend time with my “family” on such a hard day.  This year was a little more difficult as Sassy was 7 and has been gone 7 years.  Sure missed her and I shed a few tears.  It was good to spend time with those who understood.  I of course missed my furbabies.



Bon Fire


Donna, Cooper, Paula & Amy

School House Beach

Sally, Teri & John


Cave Point




back row.  Glenn, Linda, Sally & Paula

front Row Teri, Donna, Cooper, Barley, Shae & Ken  Not pictured Me & Lisa (taking pictures)




Lisa, Linda & Sally 


Last Sunrise 

Me and my sweet Sassy


Thanks family and friends for making my vacation special.

Happy Birthday in Heaven Sassy

Today would have been my sweet girl’s 14 birthday.  Hard to believe it’s almost been 7 years since she has been gone.  I still see her sweet face in pictures and miss her terrible.  The pain and anguish of that has faded but you still always miss them.  She was a true fighter and lover.  Never will forget the sweet girl she was.

She has brought me many great friends who I consider family.  One told me you won’t understand the Tripawd journey truly until it ends.  She was so right.  I have learned a lot about myself and my babies.  Been through a lot in this time.

Happy Birthday sweet girl you will never be forgotten.  Love you tons. 

Meet Chief

So last year basically sucked and 2020 wasn’t much better.  As you all know in February we lost Simba.  Hard very hard to lose an 8 month old puppy whose life was bigger than ever and such a bright happy light in my life.   Everyone here took it really hard.  I started looking for a puppy not to replace Simba but to help all of us make it a little less hard.

I contacted a breeder as Deb, who we got Simba from, didn’t have any pups at the time.  The puppies were born March 22, 2020.  Blue puppy (collar) made his way home on May 15, 2020.  At that time he didn’t have a name.  I was looking at a name book and I asked everyone if they liked the name Chief and they did so that became his name after he came home.





I know I haven’t made a post in awhile.  I need to update on Simba.  He is now with Sassy and Bosch.  His life wasn’t long enough but we made sure he knew that he was loved .  I wouldn’t have traded the months we  had with him for anything.  Losing an 8 month old puppy has been on of the harder things I have done in life.  I know Sassy and Bosch are with him and showing him the ropes until we meet him again.   This stupid subaortic stenosis that he had robbed him of his wonderful life that he had to live.

Until we see you again my sweet baby boy.  I love you.

This was hard putting together.  I know it seems like a long video in reality it should be a lot longer.  Picking out pictures from an 8 month puppy’s life was very hard.  I hope you can see how much he was really truly loved.

6 years ago today Snickers and Jazz were born.  It is hard to believe that it has been six years and these sweet babies were born and brought into our lives.  We have accomplished a lot in these six years.  It has gone way way too fast.   Snickers and I are still doing Therapy dog stuff and Jazz enjoys being around the kids and just relaxing at home.


About 3 weeks ago we brought home a new little brother for Snickers and Jazz.  They are adjusting.  It is taking time.  If you can picture  Snickers (123 pounds) hiding from him.  Every time he would go around her she would jump on the couch or run and hide down the hallway.  Jazz at 106 pounds got on the couch.  We have had some boundary setting but over all we are adjusting back to a 3 pack.   He loves the water, loves to play and over all just be a puppy.  His name is Simba Wookie Bear.   Gabe and I named him.  The kids absolutely love him.












Simba 2 weeks ago




Sat Aug 17


Sassy’s 13th Birthday in Heaven

I didn’t forget to post on FB but I was so busy that I didn’t get a post made about Sassy’s birthday.  This would have been the 5th Birthday that she spent in Heaven.  It doesn’t seem possible.  I do miss her and feel bad that I didn’t recognize her on here for that day.  I should have.    Happy Birthday in Heaven sweet girl.  Mom misses you a bunch.  Without you I wouldn’t have made some really great family members on here

It has been a rough summer around here.  I spent part of it taking care of my mom.  She fell and broke her hip while at Disney with my brother, niece and nephew.   She spent 3 days in the hospital about about 2 1/2 weeks in a Skilled nursing facility.  Then flew home on July 3 and I took care of her until I started a new job on Aug 5.


Happy Birthday Sassy


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