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Three years ago today a very special lady on this site, one of our biggest cheerleaders lost her heart & soul.  Those of us who know Sally knows she would give the shirt off her back to anyone one of us to cheer us up and make us feel good.  I know this isn’t a great memory to share but I think I needed to make sure to remember Hannah (not that I ever forgot her) on this day.  Sally doesn’t do blogs but you can read a lot of Happy Hannah’s journey here



We are thinking of you today Sally.  Hugs and lots of love we can’t wait to meet you in person.  It’s getting closer.  I know Sassy & Hannah have already met up it’s time for us.


13 Responses to “Honoring Happy Hannah 3 Years as an Angel”

  1. dobemom says:

    How thoughtful of you Michelle, to share this with us. I imagine Sassy and Hannah are the best of friends at the bridge; you know they’ll have a front row seat as their mom’s meet for the first time – high paws all around!

    Paula and Nitro

  2. juliedarling says:

    Happy Angel Day Hannah!. I wish I could meet with you guys in May. Please send me pics!!! Love you all! Thanks Michelle for posting

    Julie and Spirit Buddy

  3. kazann says:

    Thank you for honouring Happy Hannah who brought us incredible Sally who is so welcoming and caring to everyone and as you say, a great cheerleader! Hannah proved that big dogs can manage as tripawds. I will read her forum posting. Lots of love to Angel Hannah and Sally and her pack.

    Kerren and Tripawd Mona and Eli, who’s about to go into the dog house

  4. benny55 says:

    There’s my girl!!!! THERE’S MY BEAUTIFUL CUDDLY SWEET, SWEET HAPPY HANNAH!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 In her own blog!!!! 🙂


    This means the world to me! Tears are flowing over here!! 🙂 🙂 Tears of sadness, tears of jou, tears of appreciation, crazy kinds of tears all at once!!!

    Yep, that’s my Happy Hannah all comfy in my…er…HER chair. That’s a big chair but it barely holds that hunk of love!!

    And that’s Happy Hannah laying by her woodstove gazing at pictures of her BFFs Sassy and Michelle! It brings me comfort knowing she’s at the Bridge with Sassy and ALL the magnificent heroes who are there with them!

    And that picture of her with her penguin stuffy and the teddy bear hat on…OMD!!! Is she cute or what????? She was soooo tolerant when I took that picture! She really, really was such a good girl!!

    I’m sure there must have been an occasion in all our nine years and eight months together that I had to say “no”,’but I honestly cannot remember a single time!!

    She pranced around with her food bowl in her mouth all the time as though it was her favorite “stuffy”. And yes, she brought it to me too if it was supper time!

    Gentle, sooo gentle. ALWAYS HAPPY!!!! I know I’ve saidnthis before, but she and I really did LAUGH EVERY SINGLE DAY with each other!!! Yes, dogs can definitely laugh with their eyes and their expression! Her tail ALWAYS wagged with a lot of “umph” behind it….thump…thump….thump!

    She trusted me soooooo much!! She was NEVER afraid and ALWAYS did what I asked without hesitation……getting in the car to go to the Vet…….letting me clean her ears…….even if I had to take her temperature….total and complete trust…..whatever it was was FUN to nerw!!

    To have her remembered here… have her honored here…..I am soooooo touched!!!

    Michelle, I know, you know, how much this means to me. And you know no words are adequate, so Ill just say THANK YOU 🙂 🙂

    With love and appreciation

    Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being and Eternal Light Happy Hannah

    And thank you for your kinds words. You really are something else .Michelle!! Okay, maybe I’d be glad to give someone the shirt off my back….just don’t ask me to share my bowl of ice cream! 🙂

  5. megstamum says:

    Thanks so much for honouring this magnificent soul, Michelle, on her very special Angel Day. You express so well what Sally means to us, the indefatigable generosity of her spirit, her warmth, her seemingly inexhaustible reserves of positivity, the love and attention (and experience) she brings to every member, to every post. I am so incredibly grateful to Happy Hannah for bringing her to us. She was truly one exceptional dog to choose such an exceptional human being. I read the thread you link to some time ago, and I can truly say that it is one of the most moving (hilarious too, in places) things I have ever read.
    We are so, so grateful to you, Sally and to your precious Happy Hannah. Else, Meg and I will be raising a glass to both of you tonight. Ice cream all round!

    Meg, Clare and Elsie Pie xxx

  6. linda8115 says:

    Sally and Happy Hannah, two of the most beautiful souls to walk on this planet. Sally thinking of both you and your sweetest Angel today. Truly this world is a better place because of you both! Love and hugs!

  7. otisandtess says:

    Although I am so sorry you lost Happy Hannah, I am so glad she brought you here to help all of us!

  8. mom2shelby says:

    Happy Angelversarry sweet Hannah! I know you and Shelby are the best of friends over the bridge … I remember when you left earth… just a week after Shelby … Your mama was relentless in helping me through my grief while trying to process her own broken heart. A kindness like that will never be forgotten. So much love to you and your mama on this day and all days!

  9. Codie Rae says:

    Awww Michelle, you are so sweet to post this. Happy Hippy Hoppy Angelversary Hannah! The Tripawds Nation will forever thank you for gracing us with your awesomeness and for bringing us your most wonderful mama. She may have lost her heart and soul when you moved on but I think she found it again by paying it forward 10,001 times over (at least!) and spreading her light and joy throughout our community. Love you Sally!

  10. penny4weims says:

    How wonderful of you Michelle to think of Sally and Hannah. Both a great help to all of us going through this journey. I know I always looked forward to Sally’s wit and inspirational thoughts and of course pictures of Hannah. Thanks for remembering.
    Penny, Hank, Blink and Angel Maggie

  11. jerry says:

    Michelle you are so darn sweet! Thank you for doing this so everyone who is new here can learn all about Happy Hannah. We’re all keeping her memory and spirit alive, and not a day goes by when we are not grateful for Sally’s continued presence in this community …. and yours too! xoxo

    Happy Hannah is always, always in our hearts.

  12. benny55 says:

    The kind and loving words from everyone’s comments touched me so deeply! Thanknyou each a million times over for being who you are…each of you are the best BFFs on the Planet!

    And yes, thank you my Happy Hannah for bringing me to this loving family with such generous hearts.

    And Michelle is the Queen of generous hearts!

    With love

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

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