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Well, I figured we were over the hump with Jasmine’s leg (the left one anyway).  Now we have a whole different can of worms going on.  On May 12, I noticed this lump on the inside ankle of her right leg pretty much on the ankle bone.  She was kind of licking at it.  so off to the vet I go with her.  Of course anyone having gone through this journey once with a cancer knows right where your mind goes.  So we had Dr Grant take a look at it she did a needle aspirate thinking it was a Mast cell tumor.  She never saw any mast cells.  Saw white cells, red cells & skin cells.  So good news right thinking it’s a bite of some kind.  4 days later after apply the ointment it didn’t look any better in fact it kind of looked worse.  So by then we saw Dr Traux.  He he thought because Jazz was licking the ointment off that it made it a lick granuloma and had it infected.  After 14 days of antibiotics it still didn’t look any better and Dr T was busy so we saw Dr Pfieffer (good thing I like all the vets).  She did another needle aspirate because it really didn’t respond to the Panalog cream and antibiotics.  She didn’t see mast cells again  Thank God.  But came up with the diagnosis of Histioctoma.  Which is a benign tumor  ..  Here is the definition


A histiocytoma is a benign skin tumor that originates in the Langerhans cells, immune cells that function to provide protective immunity to the tissues that are in contact with the outer environment — the nose, stomach, intestines and lungs, but mainly the skin’s surface. These cells are also referred to as dendritic cells, and histiocytes.


Histiocytomas are common in dogs, with some breeds appearing to be more predisposed that others. These breeds include flat-coated retrievers, bull terriers, boxers, dachshunds, cocker spaniels, Great Danes, and Shetland sheepdogs. More than 50 percent of diagnosed patients are under two years of age. Otherwise, there is no gender difference.




  • Small, firm, dome or button-shaped masses on the skin surface
  • Rare autoimmune blistering (dermoepithelial) masses, which may be ulcerated
  • Fast growing, nonpainful, usually solitary
  • Common sites are the head, ear edges, and limbs
  • Occasionally multiple skin nodules or plaques

Since some treatments can adversely affect malignant tumors, important to differentiate histiocytoma, a benign growth of tissue, from a malignant tumor. Your veterinarian will talk to you about this, and will give you the option of taking a wait-and-see approach. If you do have the tumor diagnosed conclusively, and it is found to be a histiocytoma, the usual method of treatment is surgical excision of the mass, or cryosurgery, which is conducted with a laser. Either one is generally curative.


If the mass is left alone, it may spontaneously regress within three months. This is a decision that you will have to make once you have been informed of every possible eventuality, and every treatment method that is available for your dog.


So for our treatment we are going to try treating with antihistimines and watch the tumor.  If it starts to grow then surgery.  Dr Pfifer measured it and we shall hope & pray no surgery because of where it is it would be hard to get it to close properly.  I will post a picture when I change the bandage.


Prayers for this thing to go away





I know Sassy will watch over my girl






7 Responses to “Histioctyoma”

  1. benny55 says:

    Well son of a…..Jasmine, you sure like to make life interesting for your Mom!! Geez!! Actually, it’s not really your fault. Sassy made sure your Mom wouldn’t have too much time to spend on being sad by sending you snd Snickers to her! You certainly are doing a good job of keeping her on her toes!!

    And pur dear Michelle, you’ve do e an excellent job of educating us on that histio thing! I read your information several times to make sure I read it right. I did! ‘IT’S CURATIVE!! Don’t see that word used around here very much!!

    And I know what you’re thinking…, nothing bad…just that Dr Boyer would have figured it out from the get go!

    Thank goodness you have this figured out and thank goD it’s nothing too horrible!


    I know it’s been a crazy day for you. Get some rest. Everything is okah!! PROMISE!! And Sassy promises!!

    Much, much love!!! Lots and lots!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • Michelle says:

      I am sorry Sally, I didn’t get you called before publishing this. Got home ate and then finally got to sit down and wrote it. I will give you a call later.

  2. benny55 says:

    Oh goodness silly girl!! It’s okay! You had a lot on your plate!

    For whatever reason, the pictures didn’t show up until today on my tavlet. That’s a weird looking lumpy thing. With the Benadryl it shoukd subside. Besides, I guess the “silver lining” is it will make her a little sleepy so she won’t be running around making her “gimpy” leg be more…gimpy!

    Lots and lots of hugs!

  3. benny55 says:

    Ohhh…tee hee….it wasn’t my tavlet! It was my inability to READ!! You wrote you would post pictures when you changed bandages…duh!

  4. 4myty says:

    That sort of looks like the thing I had aspirated on Chandler’s toe. Some thing, just some skin and other cells. So happy to hear it is benign. Yes, our minds immediately go to the c place with any lump or bump. Hugs, Lori, Ty and Gang

  5. mom2shelby says:

    WOW… well thank you for sharing your info with the rest of us! Fingers and toes crossed that things continue to recover well. I get it … I automatically go to a very dark side every time Jasper so much as looks at me funny or does a little skip on her walk.

    alison with spirit shelby in her heart

  6. dobemom says:

    Good detective job Michelle….even though you were freaking out a little I’m sure. Nitro also had a similar growth on his toe, like Lori said with Chandler. Glad it’s nothing scarier!

    Paula and Nitro

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