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Wow, the last time I posted on Sassy’s blog was her 2 year Angelversary.  It doesn’t mean I have forgotten her at all or those ampuversaries or Angelversaries.  I still remember.  I think we all do if we have lost our babies.  Just time moves on.

I know we have lost a few more of our heroes which I don’t like and a few more of our 4 legged furbabies have joined others at the Bridge.

I guess I don’t know what I wanted to say except that I miss you Sassy.  Other than that our pack is doing well.  We have had a few bumps with trips to the vet for owies but over all everyone is healthy **knocking on wood***


so I thought I would share some pictures  of course Sassy

bellevue animal hosp



18 month Ampuversary


Snickers & Jazz







8 Responses to “Seems like a long time to post”

  1. Sally says:

    Yes, it has been a while since you posted! And we no likey that! We ALWAYS love seeing our Sassy and the youngsters and, of course, patient Bosch!

    Sassy is such a pretty girl, a very pretty girl. She always seems to be smiling and I always find myself smiling back.

    And the picture of Jazzmkne and Snickers side by side…you can really see the differences in their individual looks! All your dogs have the shiniest fur.

    Yep, Sassy has been joined at the Bridge with some really great new friends. I know she likes showing them around and showing them where the Dairy Queen is

    Thanks for the pictures today. And, as always, thank you for all you do for everyone here! Sassy is so proud!!

    Lots and lots of love..lots of it!

    Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. Erika says:

    So nice to meet your babies! Sassy – you are Abby’s inspiration as we just begun this journey!

  3. Paula Ehlers says:

    Beautiful words, Michelle, for a beautiful canine soul.

    Paula and Nitro

  4. linda says:

    Sassy was so beautiful! It’s amazing how each takes a piece of our hearts with them. I fully expect to be knocked on my kiesta when I finally get to the “bridge”. Angel Sassy has a constant watch over you I’m sure.

  5. trmbaileysmom says:

    Thank you for posting all the beautiful pictures. Our recent talks sure have helped me. I’m posting and trying to pick it all up. You have a gift to help others and I thank you. Our Angels are doing a heck of a job watching over all of us.
    Love and tight Hugs!
    Tracy and Angel Bailey Girl
    Bella, Gracie and Diesel

  6. Alison says:

    I LOVE seeing photos of sweet Sassy!!! They always make me smile. She was such a pretty girl. I know what you mean – just because we don’t post doesn’t mean they aren’t in our hearts front and center. They are always there – watching, guiding, protecting.

    I know Sassy is definitely on the welcome wagon to the “newbies” and shows them the ropes. She is definitely a kind and loving soul – just like her mama! She loves a lot and give a lot(just like her mama). Hugs and love !!!

  7. jerry says:

    Oh my gosh of course you haven’t forgotten, no way no how, and neither have we, totally impossible!

    Sassy is so proud of you for living life to the fullest every single day, and showing the girls and Bosch how to make the most of it!

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