Well, the only Halloween ones of Sassy were the ones in her Lion costume. Amazing when I went to look through all of her clothes that she had I found costumes that I never put on them 🙁 Oh well, so I will share her in the lion costume again and a few others from her past.
that is Sassy with me swimming
Alrighty now, I’ve got my Sassy Sugarbear fix for the day! I could look at her in that lion ccostume everday and srill smile as though it was the first time! I LOVE THAT photo!
It looks li,e the one wth she and Blsch together…she’s “eyeing” him with a “don’t you even think of getting near me in that costume”! Bosch is such a “handsome devil”!
And I think there’s a Bull Mastiff, or some kimd of big Mastiff, swimmng with them n tne photo. Kinda’ “special”!
Those two are such goood buddies. I nope the puppies will be avle to play wiith Bosch the wah Sassy did. I don’t kow though, three of them pulling on the ball at the same time…….can’t wait to see a pic od that!
THANKS MICHELLE! These photos always make a rainy day here seem sunny!! They are voth such BEAUTIFUL dogs amd I’m sooooooo glad they picked you as their “Earth Angel”.
Love and hugs!
Sally and Happy Hannah
Hi Michelle,
What a beautiful girl, Sassy was!
The photo in the lion costume truly captures her gentle spirit in her eyes.
Linda and Tucker
Sassy the Brave, Sassy the Beautiful, Sassy the SWIMMER! What a love, it’s great seeing these pics, thanks for sharing.