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I finally brought myself today to take some pictures of Sassy’s urn & the memorial tag I had asked Rene to make for us.  Its beautiful together.  I am so honored that Rene made us the tag.  It looks beautiful together.  Each day gets a little better with the crying.  I still miss her tremendously and know I will and she will always leave a big whole in my heart but sometime soon we will begin looking for another one to join our pack so Bosch has a playmate.   We know that whoever it is will never take Sassy’s place  ( as she not replaceable) but build another spot in my heart for them.   See I said I was doing good then I start writing this blog and I start crying LOL.


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Not sure what happened with this one.  I know I didn’t move the camera but if you look close it almost looks like angel wings moved.  I maybe imaging that though.




9 Responses to “Sassy’s urn & memorial tag”

  1. rica55 says:

    What a beautiful tribute to Sassy. It looks absolutely perfect.

  2. Christine says:

    that is just fitting for that beautiful girl!!
    And.. I was tickled pink to see that you typed “sometime soon you will start looking for another to join your pack”. It’s never too soon, and it’s never too late.. when you are a dog person, you have so much love in your heart to give to another… it’s just the way were are. We never replace the ones that we have loved and lost, we are just starting a new chapter with another to love… !!!
    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥

  3. benny55 says:

    Michelle! That last ohoto…….oh heah!! At frst had to chucke because it looks like most of the pictures I take with this “thing” Vjt then you said you saw the wigs move…OMD!!

    You DID see the wings move and just k ow Sassy girl did it jusr for you! I believe that! Whether she did it using her energy to tap i to your subcnscious or what…she oved her wngs! If that ks ‘t a validatun all is well and she is right nere by your side, I don’t now what is!! Sne’s just been wakting for you to take this oto so she could do that!

    Michelle, yo dn’t have to explain tears flowing off and n to anyne here…we get it! Our tears flow with you…..and for you.

    This is perfect for Sassy! Just perfect!! Exquisite tribute!

    Now, keep a vido camera handy, because Sassy will be flaping her w gs gan! Can’t you just see her big full face smile as she’s watching you when sne dkd that?

    Love to all,

    Sallh and Happh Hannah

  4. K8mignano says:


    Sassy will hold a place in all our hearts forever. Her story, along with others gave me the courage to go ahead with Yasmin’s amputation. It was the best decision, one I will never regret. Your experiences with sassy, advice and support has helped Yasmin and me thru tough times over the last couple of months. For which, Yasmin and I are eternally grateful.

    The urn and tag are absolutely beautiful. Those wings really do look like they’re moving! Very fitting for such a beautiful girl . Xxxxxx

  5. jerry says:

    Awww Michelle, thank you, I’m so glad you like it. And I’ve got no doubt that Sassy made those wings move.

    I know this took so much strength to share on your blog. Day by day, one step at a time. You are doing it, you are stronger than you think.


  6. zeuspod says:


    The urn and the charm are absolutely lovely. You remember when we were in chat and you commented that you hadn’t received your penny? Well, here’s your penny. It doesn’t always have to be a penny. It just has to be something that you recognize as your girl sending you a message. You know it in your heart. I don’t believe that every little thing in life has some mystical meaning behind it. But I DO believe that too many times in life we are too quick to pass things up as coincidence. I don’t believe that our loved ones (two legged OR four legged) sit and watch us 24 hours a day – that would not be Heaven for them. But, I DO believe that every once in a while, when our hearts need it the most, our loved ones are allowed to pass along a message of hope and love to us. Sassy is with you when you need her the most. I promise.

  7. Karma says:

    Michelle, it is very pretty. Just like Sassy was.

  8. mmrocker13 says:

    Beautiful…ours is very similar, but has a single paw. Perhaps Sam and sassy are chilling together, discussing our awesome tastes 😉

    And when that new pup joins your pack, sassy’s spirit will surely guide her <3

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