Happy 15th month ampuversary Sassy Sugar Bear my love. Today is Valentines day & you are my Valentine. We would have had a great celebration had we made it this far but its ok. I know you aren’t in pain and are happy on the Bridge with your many friends playing right now. I do miss you. Bosch misses you too. Thank you for watching over him today when he had his surgery I was worried about him but knew you would take care of him.
Thank you for also helping me with these 2 girls. Snickers is becoming the cuddler. Of course Jazz is too. I know you have a hand in guiding them and I appreciate that.
Hugs and lots of snuggles baby
love mom
Sassy, we thank you too, for all you to do help your Momma stay strong and courageous through everything. We are in awe of all she does for Tripawds everywhere. It’s all because you sweet girl. Hoppy Ampuversary!!! xoxo
P.S. I hope Bosch is feeling good after the big surgery (snip! snip!).
He is groggy. Won’t eat or drink yet. They said he is healthy. His heart rate, o2 levels & everything were really good during surgery (they do the monitoring while in surgery) we did a dental too and they said he has healthy teeth for a dog of 7 and never having a dental done before.
Thanks for asking about him